IT services

for small and medium enterprises

The areas affected by the IT solutions sector are many, and they all have the function of computerising the activity of a company, both from an organizational point of view and from that of security, leaving the IT tools available to take care of of the activity.
Our company proposes itself not only as a provider of IT services but also as a digital consultant, who you can contact to resolve any doubts and needs on which tools are most useful to satisfy your needs.


Web Based Software

Do you need web applications that allow you to simplify your business and carry it out by connecting to the network without space limits? Discover the technology of web based software, real web applications that are used through the internet and that perform the functions you want.



We create customized mobile apps upon request, in order to satisfy, together with you, potential emerging needs from your customers and to provide you with tools that can only improve your popularity on the net and among the users themselves.


Web sites

The main online business card for each company and individual.

Do you already have a website or are you planning to do so? Don't worry: we will be your tailor, we will create and modify your work so that it fully represents who you are.

We develop showcase websites and e-commerce sites, customized according to your needs, depending on what you want to communicate; we will also automatically make the websites responsive for mobile devices. Your site will always be "fashionable" and therefore in step with new market trends and the diffusion of new technologies.


Internet Marketing

For a website to be visible on the net, it must be supported by a good web marketing strategy; MTk plans it, in consultation with you, after an analysis that will give a digital check up on your needs. Preparing an effective web communication plan is essential to make a site known online and to reach users without limits of space and time. We optimize websites and the use of suitable tools to achieve the best positioning on the main search engines, taking into account various variables.
In general, a good web communication strategy presupposes:
• definition of the objectives to be achieved;
• analysis of the current situation of the website, the competition and potential opportunities;
• identification of the Target to hit;
• the choice of web marketing tools to be used to pursue the objectives set (SEO, campagne PPC e SEM, social media marketing andemail marketing).
If you want to be found and want to increase your income through the Internet channel, contact us to analyze your website and to allow us to offer you the best web strategy to make you popular.

Follow us on:


Contact us 7 days a week
through our App :



Sms/WhatsApp: +39 3317400444


Our address

MTK s.r.l.

Via Raccomandata, snc
81037 – Sessa Aurunca (CE)

E-Mail: info@mtksrl.it

Tel: +39 0823.935490

Fax: +39 0823.1763002

Working hour:

8.30 - 13.30 / 14.30 - 18.30

9.00 - 13.00