IT services
for small and medium enterprises
The areas affected by the IT solutions sector are many, and they all have the function of computerising the activity of a company, both from an organizational point of view and from that of security, leaving the IT tools available to take care of of the activity.
Our company proposes itself not only as a provider of IT services but also as a digital consultant, who you can contact to resolve any doubts and needs on which tools are most useful to satisfy your needs.
Our address
MTK s.r.l.
Via Raccomandata, snc
81037 – Sessa Aurunca (CE)
Tel: +39 0823.935490
Fax: +39 0823.1763002
Working hour:
8.30 - 13.30 / 14.30 - 18.30
9.00 - 13.00
Contact us