Smart Home
Smart Home
Through home automation, the telephone system and the house intercom can be integrated, in order to simplify their use by the owners.
Through home automation, the intercom function can be made accessible throughout the house by integrating it into the telephone system: that is, it is possible to control the intercom, and possibly open the gate of the home with automation, using a simple smartphone.
By pressing the interphone doorbell, the visiting guest activates a call that passes through the supervision of an intercom switchboard; the call is then directed to the intercom of the internal station, perhaps equipped with speakerphone and video surveillance, or to the home telephone.
Once the visiting guest has been recognised, the user can activate the opening of the entrance door via the same telephone, provided it has been previously programmed for this, or via the home automation system, i.e. by activating the buttons on the wall or a remote control.
In emergency situations this system is extremely useful: if, for example, a person is unable to get out of bed, but can still call for help using the telephone, he/she will then be able to open the door for rescuers using the same telephone.
The intercom-telephone switchboard function can also be installed independently of the presence of a home automation system so anyone who needs it can request it without any pre-installation required.
Our address
MTK s.r.l.
Via Raccomandata, snc
81037 – Sessa Aurunca (CE)
Tel: +39 0823.935490
Fax: +39 0823.1763002
Working hour:
8.30 - 13.30 / 14.30 - 18.30
9.00 - 13.00
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